What the papers say: Wednesday’s front pages

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Ireland’s recognition of the state of Palestine, questions over Professor Philip Nolan’s new role, and payments to asylum seekers are some of the stories which lead the national papers on Wednesday.

The Irish Times leades with: ‘Climate action plan revised over emissions’, which comes after a damning report published by the Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday, which said Ireland is likely to miss its climate action targets, even in a best-case scenario.

What the papers say: Wednesday's front pages

The Irish Examiner reports mandatory drug tests will be carried out on drivers involved in road-traffic collisions from this weekend.

What the papers say: Wednesday's front pages

The Echo reads: ‘Developments stalled’, looking at delays to planning approvals for housing units in Cork.

What the papers say: Wednesday's front pages

The Irish Independent goes with the headline: ‘Philip Nolan’s new job in doubt after his sudden sacking’, while the Irish Daily Mail reports that social welfare payments mistakenly paid to asylum seekers will not be recouped.

What the papers say: Wednesday's front pages
What the papers say: Wednesday's front pages

Finally, the Irish Daily Star reports on an incident…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

What the papers say: Wednesday's front pages

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