Senior Kinahan crime cartel member Sean McGovern arrested in UAE

News3 months ago release CyberOracle
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Senior Kinahan crime cartel member Sean McGovern arrested in UAE

Senior Kinahan crime cartel member Sean McGovern has been arrested in the United Arab Emirates in relation to a Kinahan-Hutch feud murder and for directing organised crime.

Irish authorities are seeking his extradition to Ireland, despite there being no extradition treaty between the two countries.

The Irish Examiner understands that McGovern will be brought to a court in Dubai for a judge to decide whether he can be lawfully extradited to Ireland – and if he can challenge any such decision.

McGovern is considered second in ranking to cartel leader Daniel Kinahan.

The arrest marks a major breakthrough in the mammoth garda investigation into the Kinahan leadership and in securing the assistance of police and justice authorities in the UAE to make such an arrest.

Ireland has no extradition agreement with the UAE, although the Department of Justice has been working on the matter for the last year.

The Irish Examiner reports that UAE authorities were not acting on a European Arrest…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Senior Kinahan crime cartel member Sean McGovern arrested in UAE

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