Garda College applicants left waiting over six months to find out if they’re accepted

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Garda College applicants left waiting over six months to find out if they're accepted

A number of candidates for An Garda Síochána have been left waiting over six months to find out if they have been accepted for training, despite the force struggling to increase numbers.

The number of Garda fell during the summer months as efforts to increase the size of the force to the Government target of 15,000 continued to falter.

There are now fewer sworn Garda members than at the start of last year, despite a new recruitment campaign, according to a recent Irish Times report.

While the force aims to recruit 200 to the Garda College each year, an increasing number of successful candidates have been turning down places in the last two years.

Despite this, others have been left waiting.

Two candidates who completed the application process six months ago reached out to to express their frustration at the situation.

The candidates, who wished to speak anonymously, have completed the rigorous application process which includes online exams, a written interview,…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Garda College applicants left waiting over six months to find out if they're accepted

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