Man (21) charged after shots fired at flat in Dublin

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Man (21) charged after shots fired at flat in Dublin

A young man “made no attempt” to cover his face during a shooting which left bullet holes in a Dublin flat following an argument, a court has heard.

Jordan Lapongo (21), of no fixed abode in Dublin 15, is accused of unlawful possession of a firearm and discharging a gun at a specific address in Mercer House flat complex in Dublin 2 on the morning of November 8th, 2023, and being “reckless as to whether any person was injured or not”.

The father of one appeared before Judge Paula Murphy at Dublin District Court.

Garda Paul Cummins said the charges under the Firearms Act carry a maximum of seven or ten-year sentences.

He confirmed that the Director of Public Prosecutions directed trial on indictment in the Circuit Court.

There was an objection to bail due to the seriousness of the incident, “grave concerns” about further serious offences concerns, witness interference or disposal of illegally acquired property.

Garda Cummins alleged that at 7.21am on the date of the incident,…

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Man (21) charged after shots fired at flat in Dublin

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