Apple €13bn should be invested in infrastructure like housing, O’Brien says

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Apple €13bn should be invested in infrastructure like housing, O'Brien says

Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien has said it was his own view that the €13 billion Apple funds should be invested in infrastructure such as housing.

“The Government, in a very considered way, will discuss and decide how that money would be spent, obviously, because it’s a one off tax receipt. I think my own view is it should be invested and it would be invested in infrastructure, housing,” he told Newstalk Breakfast.

The Government would reflect on the issue, he said. Investment in the Climate Fund would also be examined, but discussions would be held with government colleagues before a pathway forward was decided.

On RTÉ radio’s Morning Ireland, the Minister said that the focus for the Government at present was budget preparation, but the Apple judgement had been accepted.

“I think to be fair, most people understand the government would prefer to assess the decision, and we will as a collective decide how best that money can be invested and should be invested….

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Apple €13bn should be invested in infrastructure like housing, O'Brien says

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