Teen swimmer aims to become youngest to complete Irish Triple Crown challenge

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A Newry teenager is aiming to become the youngest person to complete the Irish Triple Crown swimming challenge.

Secondary school student Daniel Smyth (17) has already become the youngest solo swimmer to cross the North Channel from Northern Ireland to Scotland.

He also completed the Galway Bay swim earlier this month and now has his eye fixed on the Fastnet swim in Co Cork to finish the Irish Triple Crown.

Daniel is hoping to become the youngest to do the challenge, as well as completing the three swims in the shortest period of time.

He admitted his focus on swimming only started to aid his waterpolo performance, but he soon caught the bug of distance swimming.

He took part in the youngest team of people to swim the North Channel, around 35km, from Donaghadee in Co Down and Portpatrick in Scotland last September, and followed that up by becoming the youngest individual to complete the swim in July in a time of 12 hours and 26 minutes.

Swimmers at Donaghadee, Co Down (Michael…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Teen swimmer aims to become youngest to complete Irish Triple Crown challenge

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