‘In every school there are students like John who hunger for fewer disruptions to their timetabled week’ – The Irish Times

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‘In every school there are students like John who hunger for fewer disruptions to their timetabled week’ – The Irish Times

John struggles with going to school, but school is not the problem. Classes are always fine when the teacher is there, teaching the class and everyone is doing what they are meant to. But this doesn’t happen nearly often enough.

On any given day there are reasons for a teacher not to be in school: matches, sick children, appointments and a multitude of other reasons entirely irrelevant to John. Except that they are not irrelevant because of the significant impact the teacher’s absence has on John and his classmates. In every school there are students like John who hunger for fewer disruptions to their timetabled week.

Melissa desperately needs the extracurricular offerings her school has in place. It is a school driven by achievement, one which emphasises the importance of wellbeing and strives for balance in what it permits. There are clear structures in place around match schedules, and if the impact on the core work of the school timetable is too great, the match cannot…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

‘In every school there are students like John who hunger for fewer disruptions to their timetabled week’ – The Irish Times
Irish Times

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