Almost half feel financially unprepared for retirement

News5 months ago release CyberOracle
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Almost half feel financially unprepared for retirement

And four out of 10 of those who responded to a survey are worried that they will not be able to retire, according to the latest Retirement Pulse survey released by Standard Life.

The pensions and investment company said the results of the survey highlight what it said was the urgent need for more open conversations and enhanced pension literacy and retirement planning education.

The survey found 43pc of respondents said they do not feel financially ready to retire, with 40pc saying they are concerned they won’t be able to retire.

Large numbers said they do not know how much they will need to live comfortably in retirement. Financial unpreparedness is especially an issue with female respondents.

Just under a third remain unsure about how much they will need to save comfortably in retirement.

Four out of 10 non-retired adults feel socially prepared, and just under half feel confident they will keep purposefully engaged in retirement.

The survey found 44pc of non-retired adults looking…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Almost half feel financially unprepared for retirement

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