Colum Eastwood steps down as SDLP leader and tips Claire Hanna as successor

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Colum Eastwood steps down as SDLP leader and tips Claire Hanna as successor

Mr Eastwood is set to resign at the Northern Irish party’s conference in October after nine years at the helm of the organisation he joined as a teenager.

Speaking at a press conference in Derry on Thursday, Mr Eastwood said he wants to become a voice for change and developing a new Ireland, describing the post-Brexit environment as a “moment of opportunity”.

He insisted it had been his decision to resign as SDLP leader.

“This is absolutely my decision. I have taken time to make that decision, I have spoken to others about it,” Mr Eastwood said.

“You don’t often get to pick your own moment and I’ve been glad that I’ve been able to do that.

“You can play different roles in politics.

“I have been a party activist and, first and foremost, I am committed to the principles of the SDLP.

“Almost more importantly to the cause of delivering a new Ireland.

“It just is an awful lot of work over nine years to have to deal with all of the day-to-day issues of running a political party.

“I feel much…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Colum Eastwood steps down as SDLP leader and tips Claire Hanna as successor

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