Over 100 complaints made over barriers along Dublin’s Grand Canal

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Over 100 complaints made over barriers along Dublin’s Grand Canal

Waterways Ireland confirm they have received over 106 informal complaints around the fencing along the canal

It was confirmed today that Waterways Ireland have received five formal complaints and 106 informal complaints about the ongoing situation at Dublin’s Grand Canal.

Topics of the complaints include: Notifying Waterways Ireland of the presence of tents, requesting the removal of tents, reporting the presence of fencing, requesting removal of fencing, reporting damage to the barriers, concerns about loss of amenity value and queries about the schedule for removal and replacement of the barriers with other solutions.

A spokesperson for Waterways Ireland said that they provide “regular updates” on their website as further information becomes available.

“Waterways Ireland works to the same standard as all public bodies, endeavouring to provide a response to all correspondence as soon as possible, and within 20 working days,” they said.

“Waterways Ireland acknowledges that…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Over 100 complaints made over barriers along Dublin’s Grand Canal

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