Roman Kosyakov Solo Piano

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Roman Kosyakov Solo Piano

National Concert Hall, Tuesday 2nd July

Roman Kosyakov, piano
• Mozart Piano Sonata No.12 in F Major
• Shostakovich Piano Sonata No.2
• Ravel ‘Miroirs’
• David Ernest Mc Carthy World Premiere

Piano music at the very highest level and standard of virtuosic performance

“I have rarely heard Schumann’s Humoresque so beautifully played…a true poet of the piano. His musicianship and superb technical control will not be forgotten for a long time” CHRISTOPHER AXWORTHY Co-Artistic Director, Keyboard Trust

Back to Ireland again after coming third in the Dublin International Piano Competition, rising star and Hastings winner Roman Kosyakov plays for you some of the most difficult and finest piano works from the repertoire.

Ravel’s ‘Miroirs’ (M.43) Written in 1905 this work could be considered the zenith of French Impressionist music.

Mozart’s Piano Sonata No.12 (F Major) (K.332) Another masterpiece and possibly one of Mozart’s best works, resonating very much with the modern ear – in spite of being written in 1783.

Shostakovich’s Piano Sonata No.2 (B flat Minor) Completed in 1943 during the height of World War II and amidst the German siege of St Petersburg, this work comprises dark, brooding passages with moments of lightness and irony.

Tuesday 2nd July
National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace, Saint Kevin’s, Dublin, Ireland

Roman Kosyakov Solo Piano

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Roman Kosyakov Solo Piano

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