The Indo Daily: ‘Two showers for 70 people’ – how rogue landlord Christian Carter exploited the housing crisis
Christian Carter
Ireland’s housing crisis shows little signs of abating any time soon, and while many people are struggling to put a roof over their heads, there are other individuals who have turned a bleak situation to their hugely profitable advantage.
Take the case of rogue landlord Christian Carter, who recently topped the table in Ireland’s Revenue defaulters list. Over the years, Carter has presented himself as a friendly solution to problems created by the Irish government, offering what he has described as “very affordable accommodation for international language students”.
In reality, Carter and his associates devised an intricate system to exploit the vulnerable, leading to incredible overcrowding and shocking living conditions, all while pocketing thousands of cash-in-hand payments every week.
On this episode of The Indo Daily, Fionnán Sheahan is joined by Amy Molloy, Social Affairs Correspondent with the Irish Independent, who went undercover to expose Carter’s…
We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here: