Contempt of Court proceedings against Gemma O’Doherty adjourned to July

News3 months ago release CyberOracle
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Contempt of Court proceedings against Gemma O'Doherty adjourned to July

Contempt of court proceedings against Gemma O’Doherty over her alleged harassment of the mother of a young man who took his own life have been adjourned until next month.

The adjournment was sought to allow lawyers for the young man’s mother, Edel Campbell, address a claim made in the proceedings by Ms O’Doherty regarding alleged third party funding of her case.

Ms O’Doherty, who was not in court on Wednesday, has claimed that the law which prevents the third party funding of legal actions, known as ‘champerty and maintenance’ has allegedly been broken.

She said that an alleged legal expenses fund had been organised for Ms Campbell and it allegedly raised over €24,000.

Many of the donors to this fundraiser were anonymous, Ms O’Doherty has alleged.

Ms Campbell’s side deny any wrongdoing, and reject Ms O’Doherty’s claims.

Ms Campbell of Kingscourt, Co Cavan, has sued Ms O’Doherty, trading as “The Irish Light”, over the alleged unauthorised use of an image of Ms Campbell’s…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Contempt of Court proceedings against Gemma O'Doherty adjourned to July

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