Report highlights concerns around overcrowding and pest infestations at IPAS centres

News3 days ago release CyberOracle
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A new report from the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) highlights alarming conditions at International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS) centres in 2024.

Overcrowding and inadequate living conditions were some of the main issues spotlighted in the report.

There were instances where families, including young children, were confined to cramped spaces, leading to situations where multiple individuals shared beds, posing significant health risks.

There were ongoing infestations, including cockroaches, that have been documented again posing significant health risks.

There was also a lack of safeguarding measures: underscoring severe lapses in child protection protocols.

The report found 35 per cent of staff across centres were found to be without appropriate Garda vetting, raising serious questions about the safety and security of residents.

Speaking about the report activist group, Dublin Communities Against Racism (DCAR) said private operators of IPAS centres…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Report highlights concerns around overcrowding and pest infestations at IPAS centres

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