Young woman allegedly raped by taxi driver tells trial she didn’t know how to react

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Young woman allegedly raped by taxi driver tells trial she didn't know how to react

A young woman who was allegedly raped by a taxi driver said she didn’t know how to react when she woke up to find the man on top of her.

The man, who is in his fifties, has pleaded not guilty to the rape of this woman on a date in August 2022. He has further denied the rape and anal rape of another woman the previous June.

It is the State’s case that each woman found themselves in a taxi after a night out socialising in Dublin city centre and that each were raped by the accused man.

The accused man, who can’t be named for legal reasons, denies the allegations and says that any sexual interaction between him and each woman was consensual and initiated by them.

The complainant (now 21) told Gerardine Small SC, prosecuting, that she was socialising with friends on August 8th, 2022. She described getting up at 8am to go to work and later going to a friend’s house, where she had a few drinks.

She then said they went into Dublin city centre where the group had more drinks at several…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Young woman allegedly raped by taxi driver tells trial she didn't know how to react

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