What the papers say: Friday’s front pages

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A photo of convicted killer Molly Martens smiling as she leaves a US prison is splashed across all the Irish newspapers on Friday.

The Irish Times and Irish Examiner also report on the European Central Bank’s interest rate cut and the growing pressure on Irish banks to drop mortgage rates.

What the papers say: Friday's front pages
What the papers say: Friday's front pages

The Irish Independent reports that a union representing hundreds of Aer Lingus pilots is seeking a 24 per cent pay increase for its members.

What the papers say: Friday's front pages

The GAA has been warned by a Minister that it will get “zero funding” if it does not guarantee equal club access for women, according to the Irish Daily Mail.

What the papers say: Friday's front pages

The Irish Daily Mirror and Irish Daily Star report on the release of Molly Martens, who they say was “smug” and “smirking” as she walked free from prison after serving just over four years for the manslaughter of her Irish husband Jason Corbett.

What the papers say: Friday's front pages
What the papers say: Friday's front pages

Irish prisons have almost reached full capacity and are on the “edge of overcrowding”, writes The Herald.

What the papers say: Friday's front pages

The Belfast Telegraph reveals that a 17-year…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

What the papers say: Friday's front pages

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