Five arrested after gardaí board and search cargo vessel in Shannon Estuary
Gardaí have said investigations are ongoing after five men were arrested when a cargo vessel in the Shannon Estuary was boarded and searched yesterday.
Officers from Revenue Customs Service, supported by gardaí from the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau raided the vessel that was lying at anchor.
One man, aged 28, was arrested on board.
He has been detained at a garda station in Co Clare on suspicion of committing a criminal offence contrary to Section 72 Criminal Justice Act 2006, facilitating/enhancing a criminal organisation to commit a serious offence.
Gardaí said the four other men, aged 30, 31, 39 and 45, were arrested “on suspicion of committing a criminal offence contrary to Section 72 Criminal Justice Act 2006, facilitating/enhancing a criminal organisation to commit a serious offence at Meenogahane, Co Kerry, on January 13”.
They have been detained under the provisions of Section 50 Criminal Justice Act, 2007 at garda stations in Co Kerry.
We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here: