Earthbound Tales – Workshop

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Earthbound Tales – Workshop

Pallas Projects/Studios, Sunday 2nd February

Earthbound Tales explores the local ecology with different eyes. As part of the exhibition, the artists Karen Browett and Melissa O’Brien will explain the basics of pinhole photography.

Introduction to Pinhole Photography

There will be a number of homemade cameras to play with made from boxes, cans and anything else you can jam some photographic paper inside and poke a hole through. We will also demonstrate the making process by constructing a new camera together. These test cameras will be used by the group to take photographs in the garden area of Pallas Studios, which we will develop in a darkened space, probably a loo, using a homemade photo developer.

This workshop is designed to give an understanding of the basic theory of making homemade cameras but is largely focused on play and experimentation.
Do the images always come out well? Not at all. Sometimes you can barely make out anything at all. Sometimes you scan the image later and play with levels only to find a distorted magical image that a regular camera could not take. It’s an experimental medium.
Within that lies the fun!

Sunday 2nd February
Pallas Projects/Studios, The Coombe, The Liberties, Dublin, Ireland

Earthbound Tales – Workshop

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Earthbound Tales – Workshop

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