Father and son developers O’Reilly Hylands bid to revive Goatstown student accommodation project
Last week, Orchid Residential, a property development firm owned by the O’Reilly Hylands, said it hopes to build a 220-bed purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) development on a site in Goatstown. It intends to apply for planning permission for the large-scale residential development from Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.
It is understood the proposed PBSA development would represent an additional investment of €30m to build over and above what it cost Orchid to buy the land. The development would include the demolition of a used-car garage on site, with the PBSA building ranging in height from four to six storeys.
In response to the Sunday Independent, Orchid’s Max O’Reilly Hyland said he was delighted to have the opportunity to deliver “critically required student accommodation adjacent to UCD”.
“Dublin is experiencing a crisis in relation to lack of supply of student accommodation,” he…
We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here: