Drinkaware campaign highlights growing position of the home as a drinking environment
Drinkaware, the national independent charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse, has launched its Christmas campaign ‘Measure Don’t Guess’ to encourage moderation when socialising at home over the festive period.
The initiative highlights the importance of accurately measuring alcohol servings at home, where the majority of adult drinking occasions now take place.
According to the recently published Drinkaware Barometer 2024, 39 per cent of adults who drink are interested in monitoring and adapting their relationship with alcohol.
This year’s findings also reveal the growing centrality of the home as a key drinking environment:
Almost one-third (32 per cent) of adults who currently drink now report that drinking alone at home is their most common drinking occasion (at least once a week).
This is followed closely by 30 per cent who drink with family or housemates over mealtimes and 27 per cent who drink with a partner or housemate outside of…
We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here: