Operation to move asylum seekers from Grand Canal encampment under way

News8 months ago release CyberOracle
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A multi-agnecy operation is underway to remove an encampment established by asylum seekers in Dublin city centre.

The operation to dismantle the tents pitched along the Grand Canal began shortly after 7am on Thursday.

Workers sprayed numbers on around 80 tents before the operation commenced.

The Government has said it is not currently in a position to provide accommodation for all male asylum seekers arriving in the State. The latest figures show there were 1,939 applicants awaiting an offer of accommodation.

Contractors began erecting additional barriers around the site from 5am on Thursday.

Operation to move asylum seekers from Grand Canal encampment under way
The scene at the Grand Canal early on Thursday morning (Cillian Sherlock/PA).

More than 90 minutes passed before the international protection applicants were informed by volunteers they were being asked to move.

The volunteers assisted with uncovering tarps from the tents as they made efforts to ensure the applicants were awake and packed before the operation began.

Gardaí began to arrive…

We’ve summarized this news for a quick read. If you’re interested, you can read the full article here:

Operation to move asylum seekers from Grand Canal encampment under way

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